Blade’s Industry-Leading Courses go Virtual!

In response to the continuing disruption in travel and physical meetings, Blade announces that our courses are now available as Instructor-Led Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) courses. We have completely redesigned our course material, structure and format to be effective in a VCT environment, and maximize learning among participants. We have incorporated numerous features that take advantage of current technology to better engage participants and provide a learning experience that, in many ways, goes beyond conventional in-person classroom training. Blade courses currently available as virtual courses are:
  • Advanced Casing and Tubing Design
  • Advanced Managed Pressure Drilling
  • Introduction to Casing and Tubing Design
  • Advanced Tubular Design with StrinGnosis®

Next Introduction to Casing and Tubing Design course scheduled 9 November – 19 November, 2 hours of live instruction per day

Meanwhile, we are working on adding more virtual courses to our offering.


  • Synchronous Learning: Blade believes synchronous delivery is crucial to effective learning, especially with advanced topics. All Blade virtual courses feature live instructor-led training when class is in session. The e-learning platform we use facilitates interaction between instructor(s) and participants as well as among participants. Real time Q and A (both verbal and via chat), pop quizzes and quantitative problem solving (individually and in small teams) are included to enhance learning of immediately applicable skills.
  • Modular Instruction: Virtual learning research (and our own experience) suggests that 2-3 hours is the optimal duration of each class session. Consequently, we have re-engineered the course material into several 2-3 hour modules, each module with specific learning objectives, structured according to complexity. One or at most two modules will be presented on any given day. Each module session ends with an assignment, and each subsequent session begins with a review of last session’s assignment.
  • Blade Academy Course Website: The main “landing site” for participants is a dedicated website for each course. It is here that course materials, assignments and answer keys, software tools, references and other supplementary learning material will be available to participants. The website also features a threaded discussion board that enables asynchronous learning. Registered participants are given access to the website one week before the course commences, and it remains accessible for one week after the course ends.
  • One-on-One e-mail Discussions: Instructor(s) have a course email address where participants can send emails with questions or comments. These will be addressed as quickly as possible.
  • Guest Expert Lectures: Blade has a deep pool of multi-disciplinary experts, who will be invited to present specific topics in which they have expertise. Client company experts can also be invited to present client-specific topics. This feature, unavailable in conventional training, is an added benefit of online instruction.
  • Scheduling Flexibility: Online training frees up scheduling. Courses can be presented in a single week of calendar time, or can extend over multiple weeks.
Contact or to learn more about our virtual courses, including availability, schedule, cost and registration, or to request a proposal to conduct a private online course. Back to the top

In-Person Training at Blade's Facilities — Covid-19 Protocols

Here at Blade, we are doing our part to “flatten the curve” while still providing the same quality service to which our clients are accustomed. That is why we are implementing new protective measures to ensure the health and safety of all participants involved in our in-house training. The protocols are as follows:

  • While class is in session, seating will be arranged so that a minimum distance of 6 ft between students is maintained.
  • If participants do not bring their own masks, two masks per person will be provided each day.
  • Students shall wear masks whenever they go in or out of the training room.
  • Adequate hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray will be provided in the training room.
  • Lunch will be served at the seat of each student. Coffee and beverages will be laid out on a table, and participants should practice safe social distancing when they pick up their drinks.
  • Teachers and students will be encouraged to practice good hygiene by regularly washing hands, especially before and after lunch.
  • Congregation of students in the break rooms or common areas is not permitted. A minimum distance of 6 ft will be maintained between people.
  • A Covid-19 trashcan will be provided in the classroom for the disposal of masks, tissues, etc.
  • All surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each session.
  • Any participant who does not feel well should take extra precaution and stay at home.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at


This ​Unique ​Course ​Is ​The ​First ​To ​Address ​Advanced ​Concepts ​And ​Issues ​Common ​To ​HPHT, ​Deepwater, ​Extended-Reach, ​And ​Other ​Critical ​Wells. ​Participants
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This ​Introductory ​Level ​Course ​Explains ​The ​Fundamentals ​Of ​Casing ​Design. ​It ​Describes ​The ​Function ​Of ​Casing ​And ​Tubing ​Strings ​And ​The ​Data.
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The ​Main ​Objective ​Of ​The ​“Thermal/Geothermal ​Well ​Design” ​Course ​Is ​To ​Provide ​Engineers ​With ​A ​Strong ​And ​Fundamental ​Grounding ​In ​The ​Characteristics ​Of ​Thermal
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In ​This ​Day ​Course, ​We ​Explain ​Current ​MPD ​Methods, ​Discussing ​The ​Advantages ​And ​Disadvantages ​Of ​Each ​Approach ​To ​Determine ​Which ​Is ​Most ​Suitable ​For ​A ​Particular ​Well
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Presented Blade Energy Partners and RSI Pipeline Solutions

Pipeline Defect Repair Workshop

Presented Blade Energy Partners and RSI Pipeline Solutions
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Evaluación de Grietas y Defectos Planos en la Soldadura Longitudinal

Presentado por Blade Enegy Partners, GIE, and LatinHub

Evaluación de Grietas y Defectos Planos en la Soldadura Longitudinal

Presentado por Blade Enegy Partners, GIE, and LatinHub
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Photograph of students in a Blade lesson


In-depth training courses taught by engineers who work at the leading edge of oilfield technology. Our intensive multi-day classroom courses combine in-depth technical presentations with hands-on exercises. Our public courses are offered at various locations globally. We also offer private courses at your location.

In response to the continuing disruption in travel and physical meetings, our courses are now available as Instructor-Led Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) courses. We have completely redesigned our course material, structure and format to be effective in a VCT environment, and maximize learning among participants. We have incorporated numerous features that take advantage of current technology to better engage participants and provide a learning experience that, in many ways, goes beyond conventional in-person classroom training.


We provide independent, unbiased upstream expertise that helps operating companies maximize their return on reserves and assets. Our international team of engineers, scientists, and project managers delivers optimum solutions to the most complex problems encountered in today’s upstream energy industry. Our in depth courses are taught by industry-recognized engineers and combine technical presentations with hands-on exercises and group projects. Now your company can reap the benefits of our leading-edge expertise through a series of multi-day classroom courses.


Our courses cover many of the most vital areas of the up-stream & gas industry, with emphasis on design and operational safety, reliability, and effectiveness.


In addition to our scheduled public courses, we offer customized courses at your location to facilitate maximum participation by your personnel.