Advanced Casing & Tubing Design

This ​unique ​course ​is ​the ​first ​to ​address ​advanced ​concepts ​and ​issues ​common ​to ​HPHT, ​deepwater, ​extended-reach, ​and ​other ​critical ​wells. ​Participants ​learn ​how ​to ​use ​state-of-the-art ​tools ​to ​develop ​non-traditional, ​reliability-based ​casing ​designs. ​The ​course ​reviews ​significant ​changes ​to ​API ​Bulletin ​5C3 ​and ​ISO/TR ​10400 ​well ​design ​specifications, ​which ​now ​use ​new ​limit-state, ​probabilistic ​methods ​to ​determine ​pipe ​performance ​properties, ​instead ​of ​the ​deterministic ​methods ​that ​have ​previously ​been ​used. ​Blade’s ​new ​reliability-based ​design ​tools ​are ​fully ​aligned ​with ​these ​new ​API ​and ​ISO ​methods.

for 2025 Advanced Casing and Tubing Design Training Schedule

This survey will help us better understand the schedules and preferences of attendees so that we can more accurately plan courses that work for the majority of interests.

Delivery Methods: Virtual or In-Person

Price Range: $3,140 - $5,575
  • Number of Days: 5 - 8
  • Multiple Location Options

In-Person Advanced Casing and Tubing Design Course Registration


$ 4,485
  • Houston, TX
  • Number of Days: 5


$ 5,575
  • TBD International Location
  • Number of Days: 5

Virtual Advanced Casing and Tubing Design Course Registration

Postponed February 2025

$ 3,140
  • Location:
  • Number of Days: 8
  • Hours Per Day: 4


$ 3,140
  • Location:
  • Number of Days: 8
  • Hours Per Day: 4

for 2025 Advanced Casing and Tubing Design Through StringGnosis Training Schedule

This survey will help us better understand the schedules and preferences of attendees so that we can more accurately plan courses that work for the majority of interests.

Delivery Methods: Virtual or In-Person

Price Range: $1,750 - $2,500
  • Number of Days: 3 - 5
  • Locations: Houston, TX

In-Person Advanced Casing and Tubing Design Through StrinGnosis Registration


$ 2,500
  • Houston, TX
  • Number of Days: 3

Virtual Advanced Casing & Tubing Design Through StrinGnosis Registration


$ 1,750
  • Location:
  • Number of Days: 5
  • Hours Per Day: 4

Note: Course information is subject to change. Additionally, most courses require a minimum of 10 students and have a maximum of 20.