Pipeline Defect Repair Workshop
Presented by Blade Energy Partners and RSI Pipeline Solutions
We will discuss the evaluation of most common pipeline defects and damage, and their appropriate repair options. The workshop will include hands-on demonstration on pipe surface preparation, defect examination, and repair installation. Applicable ASME B31.8 and B31.4 repair requirements and PHMSA regulations will also be discussed.
Day 1 – 19th April 2023
8:00 AM
Introductions and presentation of course outline
Pipeline Pressure Reduction Guidelines
• Determining safe excavation pressures prior to and during repair activities
Non-Destructive Evaluation Methods
• Common definitions related to defect evaluation and characterization
• Pre-NDE activities: coating removal techniques, and pipeline surface preparation
• Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
• Pit gages and laser surface profilometry
• UT shear-wave and phased array, Eddy current probes, IWEX, TFM, and CT
19-20, 2023- Location: PRCI Technology Development Center
in Houston TX
Pipeline Repair Systems
• Definitions of temporary and permanent repairs: PHMSA and ASME
• Buffing/grinding
• Type B and A metallic sleeves
• Compression sleeves
• Composite sleeves: e-glass and carbon fiber
• Mechanical bolt-on clamps
• Hybrid repair sleeve systems
12:00 -1:00 PM LUNCH BREAK
Repairing Corrosion
• Formation of internal/external general corrosion, pitting corrosion and what can make them grow
• Corrosion defects that require repair and allowable repair options
• Regulations 49CFR 192 & 195 & industry codes ASME B31.G, B31.8, & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options?
Repairing Cracks
• Formation of stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen induced cracking, and fatigue cracks and mechanisms that can make them grow
• Cracks that require repair and the allowable repair options
• Regulations 49CFR 192 & 195 & industry codes ASME B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options?
Demonstrations of pipe samples with defects and NDE Methods
• Hands on demonstration of pipe surface preparation and defect characterization
5:00 PM
Day 2 – 20th April 2023
8:00 AM
Repairing Gouges and Grooves
• Source of gouges and grooves in pipelines and what can make them grow
• Defects that require repair and the allowable repair options
• Regulations 49CFR 192 & 195 & industry codes ASME B31.G, B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options
Repairing Seam Weld Defects
• Formation of lack of fusion, cold welds, hook-like defects and stitching and what can make them grow
• Sean weld defects that require repair and the allowable repair options
• Regulations 49CFR 192 & 195 & industry codes ASME B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options
Repairing Selective Seam Weld Corrosion
• Formation of selective seam weld corrosion (SSWC) and what can make them grow
• SSWC defects that require repair and the allowable repair options
• Regulations 49CFR 192 & 195 & industry codes ASME B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options
Repairing Plain Dents and Dents with Damage
• Formation of dents and dents with gouges, cracks or corrosion and what can make them grow
• Dents that require repair and the allowable repair options
• Regulations 49CFR 192 & 195 & industry codes ASME B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options?
Repairing Wrinkles, Buckles, and Ripples
• Formation of wrinkle bend, buckles and ripples
• Wrinkle bend, buckles and ripples that require repair and the allowable repair options
• Regulations 49CFR 192 & 195 & industry codes ASME B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options?
12:00 -1:00 PM LUNCH BREAK
Repairing Girth Weld Defects
• Formation of cracking and volumetric defects in girth welds and what can make them grow
• Girth weld defects that require repair and the allowable repair options
• Regulations & industry code API 1104, ASME B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options?
Repairing Hard Spots, Laminations, Blisters
• Formation of hard spots, laminations, and what can make them grow
• Regulations & industry code API 1104, ASME B31.8 & B31.4
• Case studies: what would you recommend for repair options?
Demonstrations of Repair Systems
• Class attendees will witness the preparation and installation of most common repair systems: composite sleeve, metallic sleeve, bolt-on, and grinding/buffing
5:00 PM End of Workshop