15th International Pipeline Conference (IPC 2024)

In September 2024, pipeline industry professionals from across the globe will convene in Calgary for the 15th International Pipeline Conference (IPC 2024). This event, organized by volunteers from leading international energy companies, pipeline associations, and regulatory agencies, has earned a reputation as the world’s foremost pipeline conference.

Be sure to attend the technical paper presentations by Blade Energy Partners’ authors and coauthors throughout the conference.


Session: 08-01 Offshore Pipelines and Mechanics

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Paper Number: 134100

Assessment of Pipeline Damages Caused by Ship Anchor-Chain Drag Incidents


Offshore pipelines located near the harbor or passing through vessel anchorage areas are at increased risk of damage from the anchor/chain, and other dropped objects, such as dumping the debris from fishing or other activities. A few of these incidents have recently been reported in North America and Asia. Note that the consequence of this type of incident may be extensive or sometimes catastrophic failure. Depending on the complexity of vessel movements and the duration, it can lead to varying magnitudes of global and local damage to the pipeline. Pipeline global damage includes buckling and pipeline bending, which leads to a high tensile stress/strain state that could cause girth weld failure. The local damage is often formed by contact between the anchor/chain and pipe, causing pipe crushing, dents, buckle/wrinkles, gouges, cracks, or a combination of these, which could trigger immediate or delayed failures. Sometimes, vortex-induced vibration (VIV) may occur at the displaced pipe segment, which requires evaluation and mitigation. Therefore, it is important for the operators to holistically assess the extent of pipeline damage due to the anchor drag in terms of its short- and long-term integrity.

In this paper, a comprehensive assessment procedure is described, which consists of some of the key assessment elements that include an understanding of global pipeline displacement, local damage assessment using the plastic strain limit damage model such as the Ductile Failure Damage Indicator (DFDI), local stresses and strains, and fatigue analysis utilizing the actual operational pressure fluctuation data. One anchor-chain drag incident was modeled, and the observations were predicted through finite element modeling and analysis (FEA). Finally, the full-scale testing of the local dent damage was undertaken in the laboratory to replicate and confirm the modeling/analysis interpretations. The results from a case are illustrated in this paper. This approach to quantifying the impact of anchor drag is discussed and analyzed here.

Presenting Author: Uday Arumugam Blade Energy Partners


Uday Arumugam Blade Energy Partners
Shree Krishna Blade Energy Partners
Ryan Milligan Blade Energy Partners
Ravi Krishnamurthy Blade Energy Partners



Session: 03-04-02 Inline Inspection Performance II
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper Number: 134089

Improvement of ILI Sizing Accuracy for Problematic Corrosion Profiles: A PRCI/PHMSA Project


The United States Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) held a Pipeline Research and Development Forum in Baltimore, MD, in September 2018. The workshop identified key challenges facing government and industry as well as a compilation of potential research areas. PHMSA’s representatives determined that five major research areas needed to be addressed, including anomaly detection, sizing, and characterization.

In March 2019, PHMSA issued a Research Announcement. As stated in the Announcement, improving the detection and the sizing accuracy capability of In-Line Inspection (ILI) systems to detect and characterize various anomaly types will reduce the number of excavations required for integrity management and focus the anomaly response on threats with the most significant risk to the safe operations of pipeline systems.

As part of this initiative, Project NDE-4-19 was created in December 2019. The multi-phased PHMSA/PRCI/Blade Energy project aimed to conduct a collaborative study involving pipeline operators, ILI Technology Providers (TPs), subject matter experts, and consultants to quantitatively measure and improve the detection and sizing capabilities of current corrosion In-Line Inspection (ILI) systems.

A data-driven approach was devised, which identified problematic corrosion profiles by reviewing recent Root-Cause-Analysis (RCA) reports of corrosion-related pipeline failures. This information was used to design and construct an ILI corrosion test string containing features with similar profiles. All such profiles were then documented using the best possible Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) techniques.

Three participating ILI TPs proposed appropriate inspection tools based on their limited knowledge of the integrity conditions in the test string.

A series of blind pull-through tests of the ILI systems were carried out, and the participating ILI TPs delivered standard ILI reports for performance evaluation. The ILI TPs received detailed feedback identifying the detection and sizing gaps. They were given a limited sample of detailed anomaly profile data to identify potential sources of detection and sizing improvement.

A second series of ILI tests were performed, and the changes in detection and sizing capabilities were analyzed and quantified for each problematic corrosion profile, identifying the improvements and the remaining gaps.

The results and findings of this 3.5-year-long project are presented in this article.

Presenting Author: Pablo Cazenave Blade Energy Partners


Pablo Cazenave Blade Energy Partners
Katina Jimenez Blade Energy Partners
Ravi Krishnamurthy Blade Energy Partners
Zoe Shall Pipeline Research Council International



Session: 03-03-08 Feature Assessment Case Studies – Selective Seam Weld Corrosion II

Date: Thursday, September 26, 2024
Time: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Paper Number: 134060

Pull Testing and Statistical Evaluation of ILI Capabilities on SSWC and Other Anomalies


TC Energy (TCE) operates and maintains natural gas, refined products and crude oil pipelines in the USA, Canada and Mexico. The Natural Gas Pipeline network includes 92,600 kilometers (57,539 miles) of gas pipeline, transporting more than 25% of North American natural gas demand. In addition, TCE’s Liquids Pipelines division includes 4,900 kilometers (3,045 miles) of crude oil pipelines, shipping 590,000 barrels of crude oil per day, which is approximately 20% of the Western Canadian exports.

As part of its Integrity Management Program, TCE identified Selective Seam Weld Corrosion (SSWC) as one of the significant threats for certain seam weld types in their pipeline system. It also identified In-Line Inspection as the preferred methodology to address it. In that regard, multiple ILI vendors have claimed capabilities in detecting, identifying, and sizing SSWC features, which require careful evaluation and assessment.

TCE designed a pull-through testing exercise to statistically evaluate and validate those capabilities. The testing aims to test multiple ILI systems from different ILI vendors for SSWC and other threats that have not been validated before and to confirm the detection capabilities for specific pipe attributes. The final objective is to have an array of ILI vendors and technologies to address each threat cost-effectively.

The 24-inch diameter string constructed for this project included joints with synthetic and natural features, including SSWC, pits at the SW and in the pipe body, axial and circumferential slots in the pipe body, individual cracks, crack colonies, laminations, wrinkle bends, hard spots, dents with gouges and plain dents.

Five ILI systems from five ILI technology providers were tested.

The project included the pipe acquisition, the testing string design, the defect creation, the NDE and Lab evaluation of the reference data, the pull-through testing, the ILI vs Reference feature matching, and the statistical analysis of the results.

This paper presents the results of this study.

Presenting Author: Pablo Cazenave Blade Energy Partners


Zain Al-Hasani TC Energy
Pablo Cazenave Blade Energy Partners
Katina Jimenez Blade Energy Partners
Ryan Milligan Blade Energy Partners 



Session: 03-04-03 Integrity Management Program Improvements and Threat Management II

Date: Friday, September 27, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Paper Number: 131611

Determination of Safe Excavation Pressure During Hoe Ramming Activities


Hoe-ramming is a form of rock excavation where a percussion hammer is fitted to an excavator. During integrity excavations hoe ramming is sometimes used to break up large rocks to allow for easier rock removal from the area surrounding an in-service pipeline to enable the completion of integrity assessment activities. The method is often used when an area is too large for a jackhammer or where blasting is not possible or feasible. During integrity excavations, hoe ramming is typically used to remove rock around in-service natural gas pipelines to allow for access to complete assessment and repair activities.  

Reductions in the operating pressure to allow for a safe excavation can have impacts to pipeline operation requirements and can have commercial consequences. The current state when hoe ramming is contemplated a commensurate conservative reduction on pressure on the pipeline is applied. This is often based on a poor understanding of the effect of hoe ramming on the affected pipeline. Given this conservativism, an opportunity exists to enhance the understanding of the effect on the pipeline to allowing for a more informed safe excavation pressure.  

In this study, full-scale testing in conjunction with dynamic finite element analysis (FEA) was performed, to help gain insight into the effect of and quantification of the effects of hoe ramming activities to an in-service natural gas pipeline. Testing was completed in December 2022 at the Pipeline Research Council International’s (PRCI) Technology Development Center in Houston, Texas. The testing included an NPS 24, GR359, 6.35mm NWT test pipe. The testing encompassed two configurations using granite blocks: i) test pipe on top of two granite blocks, and ii) test pipe on side of one granite.  Hoe ramming was executed on the granite blocks and the pipe response was measured. Some of the variables controlled during the testing were: i) the proximity of hoe ramming to the test pipe, ii) the internal pressure of the test pipe. Instrumentation, which included accelerometers and strain gauges, were installed on both granite blocks and the test pipe. The resulting test data was processed and analyzed to quantify the effects to the test pipe during the hoe ramming activities.  

The pipe response due the hoe ramming action from both the testing and the dynamic FEA simulation indicated that there was little no effect to the test pipe due to the Hoe ramming.  Dependencies such as proximity of hoe ramming to the pipeline and internal pressure were also investigated. The test results were used to validate the FEA simulation model of the tested configurations, which subsequently expanded to parametrical models to cover additional scenarios and to understand the influence of the critical variables. The outcomes of this study include the development of a pressure-equivalent model to help determine a safe operating pressure during hoe ramming activities. The impact of hoe ramming on defects sometimes encountered during an integrity investigation such as manufacturing flaws or metal loss (corrosion), cracking is also discussed. 

Presenting Author: Joe Saunders TC Energy


Joe Saunders TC Energy
Mathew Jobin TC Energy
Elvis Sanjuan Riverol TC Energy
Ronald Chune TC Energy
Ken Zhang TC Energy
Ryan Milligan Blade Energy Partners

For additional information visit: International Pipeline Conference & Expo (ipceyyc.com)
Register now: Registration (ipceyyc.com)